MpiFx 1.4.0
▼Mmpifx_allgather_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_ALLGATHER |
Cmpifx_allgather | Gathers scalars/arrays on all nodes |
▼Mmpifx_allgatherv_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_allgatherv |
Cmpifx_allgatherv | Gathers scalars/arrays of different lengths on all nodes |
▼Mmpifx_allreduce_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_ALLREDUCE |
Cmpifx_allreduce | Reduces a scalar/array on all nodes |
Cmpifx_allreduceip | Reduces a scalar/array on all nodes in place |
▼Mmpifx_bcast_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_BCAST |
Cmpifx_bcast | Broadcasts an MPI message to all nodes |
▼Mmpifx_comm_module | Contains the extended MPI communicator |
Cmpifx_comm | MPI communicator with some additional information |
▼Mmpifx_gather_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_GATHER |
Cmpifx_gather | Gathers scalars/arrays on a given node |
▼Mmpifx_gatherv_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_gatherv |
Cmpifx_gatherv | Gathers scalars/arrays of different lengths on a given node |
▼Mmpifx_recv_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_RECV |
Cmpifx_recv | Receives a message from a given node |
▼Mmpifx_reduce_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_REDUCE |
Cmpifx_reduce | Reduces a scalar/array on a given node |
Cmpifx_reduceip | Reduces a scalar/array on a given node in place |
▼Mmpifx_scatter_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_SCATTER |
Cmpifx_scatter | Scatters scalars/arrays on a given node |
▼Mmpifx_scatterv_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_SCATTER |
Cmpifx_scatterv | Scatters scalars/arrays of different lengths from a given node |
▼Mmpifx_send_module | Contains wrapper for MPI_SEND |
Cmpifx_send | Sends a message to a given node |
▼Mmpifx_win_module | Contains routined for MPI shared memory windows |
Cmpifx_win | MPI shared memory window with some additional information |